A round-up of the latest technology news from around the globe.
CYBERWAR SIM: European nations have been testing their cyber defences. The simulation reduced access to critical services and tested how nations work together. Security centres had to find new ways to route traffic, and the sim also tested the robustness of communication
channels. Around 25 countries took part in the simulation. When 25
tribes go to war... More at the BBC.
BALANCE AT WORK: Ho hum, another office building. But wait: this one looks as though it could tip over any moment. The Cinépolis Headquarters in Mexico has its 3rd and 4th stories cantilevered over the 1st and 2nd — like balancing a ruler across a pencil. Watch for earthquakes. More at WorldArchitectureNews.
LOOPY FLIER: Jetman, Yves Rossy, straps a 2 metre wing and 4 jet-engines to his back then flies. He recently jumped from a balloon at an altitude of 2,400 metres and performed aerobatics, doing loops above Lake Geneva. The 18 minute flight ended with a parachute landing. Ahhh, the joys of jetpack flight. Details at Jetman.
VACUUM YOUR DOG: A new Groom tool attachment for Dyson vacuum cleaners brushes loose hair and dead skin cells right off your dog. The tool has slicker bristles like any regular brush, but then sucks the collected hair into the vacuum cleaner when you press a button. It sucks just as much as you need it to. More at Dyson.
ACID SKIN: German researchers have incorporated a pH sensor into wound dressings. Since healthy skin usually has a pH of 5 or less, a higher value suggests an infection. The dressing changes colour if the pH value goes too high. More at Gizmag What, no
- Miraz Jordan knowit.co.nz