A round-up of the latest technology news from around the globe.
TINY CRAWLY: It's strong but slow. A tiny robot centipede, with 512 legs carries 7 times its own weight, but takes an hour to move 1
metre. Being so tiny it fits through small gaps and could explore
collapsed buildings. Or be used for surveillance, of course.
Details at UWNews.
HOT SHOTS: 5 micrometer infrared cameras detect body heat, so could be useful for firefighters or search and rescue. But they only work at a chilly -193 degrees C. Now German scientists can make them work at room temperature. They're lighter, faster and easier on the batteries. Small enough to be carried by a robot centipede? Read more at ScienceDaily.
WATERMARK KEY: Indian scientists have created a watermark that can prove a photo has not been altered, and then be removed. It calculates the parameters of every pixel in the image to create a key that can verify authenticity. Does it work for infrared images too?
See more at EurekAlert
USB FOR YOU AND ME: Somehow a USB plug is always upside down when you try to insert it into your computer. The Flipper USB finally has a solution: it works either way up. Why did it take so long for someone to think of that? Details at FlipperUSB and video on YouTube.