Understanding what intellectual property your business has, its strength and scope and how to use and leverage it is a prerequisite for every successful business.
Every single technology, product and/or improvement to our lives begins as an idea - as intellectual property (IP). For most businesses much of their value lies in these intangible assets and this intellectual property underpins their potential business success.
IP is often the result of years of hard work, in some cases costly trial and error and the business owner's passion and innovation.
Despite this many businesses fail to understand that potentially, IP has as high a value to their organisation as their fixed assets do. In many cases they may not even catalogue or manage their trade secrets, copyright, trademarks or inventions.
IP can occur in both registered and unregistered forms. Registered forms which we are more familiar with include things such as patents and trademarks, but often it is the unregistered forms which are more important. These may relate to things such as trade secrets and confidential information.