Welcome to InBox, where we attempt to answer your internet questions.
Q. "My home computer runs Microsoft Office XP. Can I also use that copy on my laptop?" asks Tony.
A. You may duplicate Microsoft Office between work and home as long as it's for your exclusive use - unless it's been supplied with your machine as an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) licence. The Microsoft Office XP "FAQ" (frequently asked questions) page states: "OEM licences may not be transferred to any other machine or laptop!"
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Q. Ian's email POP server keeps changing to "localhost" and he's confused.
A. It's your PC-cillin Antivirus software, Ian! PC-cillin changes both the login and POP server, forcing the email program to check the antivirus program which checks the server, scanning everything it finds before passing it on. More information at Trend Micro.
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Q."How can I open Word 2000 docs in Word 97 (Windows 95)?" asks Ken.
A. Grab the free Word viewer/converter from Microsoft.
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Q. "My internet provider has warned me that I'm using too much data running my personal website. It does have some personal images that should only upload for each page view. What's going on?" Howard asks.
A. It's likely someone likes your pictures so much, Howard, they've linked to the picture files directly rather than storing them in their own web account. It's called "bandwidth stealing". Get tricky back. Alter the suspected file to a different picture with a message "This person stole my pictures" across the image. Watch how quickly the offender removes the links. If it's a commercial site their customers will be mortified.
* Email us your question about the internet
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