Welcome to InBox, where we attempt to answer your internet questions.
Q. More on the rogue dialler saga of the past two weeks. These are the nasty "spyware" programs that can inadvertently get into your PC and automatically dial local or overseas 0900 numbers, giving you a hefty charge on your phone bill. David writes: "Hi, Don. Just an update for you. It appears Telecom is now charging $45 to put a block on the 0900 number. My daughter yesterday said that she rang Telecom and they said they now have a one-off payment for a block on the 0900 number because of the number of requests for this service."
A. That's not quite right, David. Telecom will place an "0900 only" block for free (confirmed by Telecom spokeswoman Helen Isbister). If you want to stop those rogue diallers on the local Telecom system that's the block you need. But for international scam diallers a full toll block is the only answer and it costs a one-off $45 charge. (The block apparently requires physical changes at the exchange.)
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Q. "Quite frequently now, when getting my emails, a blockage occurs because of a corrupt email. This entails phoning Actrix to remove the obstruction, which can take some time," complains Robert.
A. An easy solution is to use the web-mail gateway Actrix provides, Robert. Being server-based it will allow you to identify and delete the culprit yourself. At Actrix use the box titled "Actrix Login" to enter your login and password, then check the "Web-mail" option and click the "Login" button.
* Email us your question about computers
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