Sounds like George Rhodes is after a Triple Word Score: "Could you please help us to find a site to download the Scrabble game? There are several sites and clubs to play against other people, but we could not find anything to download… free or otherwise. Maybe we are looking in the wrong place?"
The best I can do, George, is point you in the direction of Scrabble Online, the most comprehensive selection of Scrabble resources I know. It also includes InterWebWord, a non-copyright version of the game, which may be your best bet.
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It's easy for experienced users to forget just how baffling basic procedures can sometimes be for the newbie. Here's Leigh: "If you're able to tell me where I can find the instructions on how to cut and paste it would be much appreciated. I find most help screens tell me what the system can do but not actually how to do it!"
Okay: hold down the left mouse-button and carefully drag the cursor to select the word of phrase you need to cut'n'paste (it will become shaded). Let go and press Control+Insert. You have now saved your selection to the clipboard. To paste it, position the cursor where you want the selection to go and press Shift+Insert and it will appear as if by magic. There, wasn't that easy? You could also have moved your selection by dragging it to the new position. Be aware, though, that your clipboard isn't very bright and can only remember one thing at a time – if you need it to remember several selections before you paste them in, you'll need a clipboard extender like ClipMate.
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Likewise, Rosie is having a problem with Outlook (haven't we all, at one time or another!): "'Set your email to receive only as text, not HTML (hypertext markup language)... ' " she writes. "But where do I find this option on Outlook Express?"
One of the silly things about Outlook and its excellent dedicated mail software, Outlook Express, is that both have different menu conventions. In Express, you go to Tools/Options/Send/Mail/Sending Format and check the Plain Text box; plus there's an additional button to configure the way this displays in case you want to change it. Whereas in Outlook itself, you go to Tools/Options/Mail Format/Message Format and select from a drop-down menu. Drives you mad…
Scrabble Online
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