As Activision's Call of Duty series gets set to blast away our brains in a futuristic setting, EA's Medal of Honor is buckling down and sticking to the right here, right now.
At E3, Danger Close - the Medal of Honor developers - were throwing around thinly veiled terms like "relevant", and the slightly needling "respect for the soldier". Both sides are maneuvering for position, and Medal of Honor's divergence is sure to be interesting.
Medal of Honor: Warfighter is the follow up to 2010's reboot of the shooter franchise, and continues in its gritty realistic vein. Except, this time around EA have taken a page out of Tom Clancy's books and spread the fighting, and the style of combat, all around the world.
Danger Close were at pains to emphasise that Medal of Honor was all about the world's current problems, and we were told that the singleplayer campaign would see players parachuted into global hot spots. Mum's the word on the rest of the singleplayer experience, but we did have a chance to sit down and get hands on time with Warfighter's mutliplayer offering.
While Warfighter and Black Ops II might not be competing for narrative real estate, they will certainly be locking horns when it comes to the FPS multiplayer experience. On offer for my playthrough was team deathmatch mode, as played on the map 'Somalia'. This is a new map built off and mirroring the singleplayer mission of the same name and place, which was previewed at the EA press conference.