Clean technology: New Zealand hydrogen pilot scheme with clean energy applications for remote communities set to wow the world.
The head of a groundbreaking New Zealand clean energy experiment will present his findings to the world at October's All Energy Australia 2013 expo. Alister Gardiner, from Callaghan Innovation, will showcase his hydrogen energy pilot programme at the clean energy conference and expo - an annual gathering of thousands of renewable energy experts and interested parties. Gardiner's pilot could eventually benefit thousands of isolated New Zealand and Australian communities and South Pacific islands.
Gardiner says he was originally interested in developing fuel cells for transport applications but soon realised the highest energy costs were in isolated areas. "This is where they currently use diesel and LPG for everything and both of those emit highly undesirable pollutants including greenhouse gases," he says.
Last November, Gardiner and his team deployed a small hydrogen production system on a wildlife reserve in Wellington Harbour and the results have been remarkable. Designed specifically to capitalise upon surplus renewable electricity produced from wind and solar PV, the pilot program has shown just how effective and efficient hydrogen is.
"Although we have only used the system in Wellington Harbour intermittently, it has produced more than enough hydrogen to power the heating of water and cooking requirements in a typical energy efficient home.