Learning complex tasks such as speaking Latin or perfecting the piano have traditionally required long winded and frustrating lessons with lots of repetition before the task is sufficiently imprinted on our brains to become an unconscious part of our daily routine. Doing the hard yards, if you will.
But in what could be a massive breakthrough, scientists may have found the means to beam knowledge directly into our brains, transforming the learning process into a near effortless and automatic activity.
Experiments conducted by scientists Boston University have shown how a process involving ' decoded functional magnetic resonance imaging' (fMRI) can reproduce brain patterns in subjects that match a those of an expert, which effectively equates to effort free, automatic learning by osmosis. Whilst researchers are bullish, they're also cautioning that the discovery is still very much at a preliminary stage.
Decoded functional magnetic resonance imaging or decoded fMRI is a type of specialised brain scan that is has traditionally been used to measure the changes in blood flow with changes in brain activity.
The breakthrough came out of studies of the brain to better understand learning processes. What scientists found was a correlation between learning performance and changes in the visual areas of the brain.