Communications Minister David Cunliffe has announced a government decision to reallocate spectrum for wireless broadband.
According to Cunliffe the decision is "another essential step in providing New Zealanders with better, more competitive access to broadband".
The decision will see spectrum in the 2.3 GHz range - suitable for such emerging wireless broadband applications as WiMAX - put up for auction in early 2007.
While current right-holders do not have to give up their rights before they expire in 2010, some may choose to do so. It is expected that some of the 2.3 GHz spectrum could be available for development immediately after the auction, enabling early development of new broadband wireless services.
Other decisions include making a 16MHz block as a "managed park" suitable for local and regional broadband operations, and developing policies to facilitate future use of other spectrum suitable for broadband wireless access (BWA).
"This decision reflects the fairest and most effective way of giving new and existing wireless broadband services providers the opportunity to develop this very important spectrum for broadband in New Zealand," Cunliffe said.