New Zealand technology enthusiasts have united to push for internet and email addresses that end in
The proposal, which is being looked at by .nz domain name administrator the Internet Society, says "geeks" do not feel they are taken seriously in New Zealand.
"Geeks have been forced to register vanity names under such headings as .com, .gen or .net.
"This does not allow the geeks of New Zealand to fully express themselves and oppresses their cultural expression."
And while the application may appear tongue in cheek, the man behind it told the Herald that the proposal was serious, and that it was about keeping qualified IT people in the country.
Sydney-based New Zealander Dean Pemberton and friends from a technical discussion group called the New Zealand Network Operators Group (NZNOG) got the ball rolling.
But the list of supporters on NZNOG's website has grown to about 70 and includes Robert Gray, the director of Domainz , director of the .nz Registry Services David Zanetti, Xtra's principal architect Jeremy Clyma and Andy Linton, formerly of the Internet Society board and a board member of the Public Internet Registry, which will manage the .org top-level domain.
The outgoing executive director of the Internet Society, Sue Leader, said the application had a humorous aspect but "heavy hitters" were involved who were respected around the world for their technical ability.
Leader said the application met initial requirements. It was entered in August but was delayed as was being considered.
It reached public discussion stage last Thursday.
An electronic vote on the application will be held in two to three months.
If there are 200 votes and 70 per cent are in favour there will be a request for submissions, an interim determination, further submissions and a final decision at a society council meeting.
Early discussion on the society's website favoured the geeks, although some contributors saw no merit in the application, and one questioned whether would be next, or even
Pemberton said geek was the only word that encapsulated the community. He said he hoped the application would help foster a friendly environment locally for technical New Zealanders and that it would encourage international geeks to come to New Zealand.
Pemberton said many technical people were using .com addresses but would prefer a .nz domain name.
Another part of the application asked that a name space be provided for the experimental side of internet use in New Zealand.
In a statement , the geeks said internet experiments could not occur in the space without risking the quality of service the commercial community expected, but that "experimentation is a way of life for the geek community".
Pemberton was unaware of .geek being a second level domain in any other country, but said geek was commonly used in web names.
Geeks stake claim for domain name
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