The original Okami, released on the PS2 back in 2006, received various accolades both in Japan and in the Western gaming market due to its unique art direction and hypnotic visuals. Unfortunately, Okami's success was hampered by the fact that it was released shortly before the PS3 arrived on the scene - a factor that resulted in a low-key marketing campaign, poor sales within Japan, and the sad demise of its developers, Clover Studio. Despite all of this though, Okami earned a cult-like status and punctuated the end of the PS2 era with a loud exclamation point.
Okami has now been given the magical rebirth it deserves. It has been reincarnated on the PS3 and is looking better than ever, thanks to an HD overhaul. Furthermore, the game even benefits from today's motion control technology, which adds an extra level of charm and accessibility.
Okami is an adventure game set sometime in mythical Japanese history. Combining numerous legends and folklore, it tells the story of how the world was saved from darkness by a goddess in the form of a great white wolf, named Amaterasu. 'Okami' translated from Japanese literally means 'great spirit' or 'wolf'.
Although one of Okami's unique aspects was playing as a non-speaking animal character, the game's most memorable attribute was the distinctive sumi-e-inspired cel-shaded graphics that gave the game a memorable aesthetic. Okami looks like a living, breathing, water-colour painting, complete with fluid brush strokes, and a soft colour palette that makes love to your hippocampus.
All of this eye-candy gets the attention it deserves here on the PS3, where the detail has been painstakingly recreated. The frame-rate has been increased dramatically as well, allowing players to truly appreciate the finesse and beauty throughout the game. Looking back at the PS2 version (which was impressive for its time) it is staggering to see Okami in such a crisp and vibrant form.