The Lego franchise - and its cheeky remakes of classic movies - has become one of gaming's golden franchises. Staggering, really, when you consider that across the titles, play is essentially the same. Run around, find things, build things, break things and collect stuff. Then as you progress through levels and unlock items, you're able to go back and run around and find things to collect that you couldn't get to before. Seeing how blockbusters are applied to the Lego universe is always interesting, and Pirates is particularly cool.
The environments are engaging, puzzles puzzling and the traditional "mime-acted" cutscenes are entertaining. The whole set of Pirates movies are combined for this game, and while the early ones are easy to follow, when the themes and stories get more complex, it gets a tad confusing.
The awesome two-player split screen system from other games is carried through and allows easy drop-in play, but unfortunately this co-op approach does not come with an online option - which these days should see the developer being made to walk the plank.
The only other issue is the occasional inaccuracy of the control system - you can spend a lot of time repeating platform tasks because the jump and direction commands don't always work perfectly. But if you're a fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, you'll definitely get a kick out of this.
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean
Stars: 3/5
Platform: PS3
Rated: G