By PETER GRIFFIN technology writer
A seemingly innocent "Potato" computer game is at the centre of an internet hacking case that finally went to trial yesterday, after nearly three years of sporadic proceedings.
Andrew Garrett is accused of using internet passwords, obtained from customers of Telecom's internet service provider Xtra, to gain free internet access. The Auckland man faces 10 charges of fraud, forgery, wilful damage and threatening to damage property.
Opening the Crown's case, prosecutor Helen Gilbert said Garrett used a simple computer game sent as an e-mail attachment to mask a "Back Orifice" Trojan program, which infected the computers of Xtra account holders when they opened the e-mail.
"[For] anyone who opened the e-mail to play the game, Back Orifice server installed itself on to their computer. On the face of it, it looked like something you might like to have a play with," she said.
The Crown says the Trojan program allowed Garrett not only to access internet passwords but to crash users' computers at will and view everything on their screens.
Jurors were presented with a mass of evidence, compiled when the police seized Garrett's computer in 1998 and including a series of computer logs that, the Crown claims, reveal he had access to other computers.
A characteristic of the virus allegedly used by Garrett also allowed him to send messages to the account holders whose computers he had hijacked, the Crown claimed.
That lies at the root of the charge of threatening to damage property.
"I recommend you find another ISP. If you don't, I will format your hard drive and don't think I can't," a message sent to one Xtra account holder read.
Last June, the prosecution was aborted when two justices of the peace revealed they were Telecom shareholders and their involvement amounted to a conflict of interest.
At the root of Garrett's actions, claims the Crown, was his dissatisfaction with Telecom's decision to cut off his phone lines in 1997, effectively closing the internet business he was running called The Hive.
"The fact that he had a dispute with Telecom did not give him the right to take people's passwords," said Ms Gilbert.
She pointed out that Garrett did not have to gain financially to face fraud charges.
The issue first came to light in November 1998, when Garrett sent the Herald a sample of 200 passwords - proof, he said, that Telecom's internet network was insecure.
Giving evidence yesterday was John Thackray, former manager of the police electronic crimes unit, who experimented with a cloned copy of Garrett's computer hard drive to successfully recreate the virus attack.
Cross-examining Mr Thackray, defence lawyer Michael Levett pointed to the fact that the Back Orifice "zip" file found on Garrett's computer was compressed, and there was no evidence that it had been "unzipped," a necessary action for the file to be used maliciously.
The case continues today, when for the first time in a New Zealand trial, police experts will carry out a simulated hack to recreate how Garrett could have gained remote access to other computers.
Computer hacking trial opens
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