Buzz: Quiz TV
. PS3, PG
Jason Donovan, MC Hammer, Spice Girls - how much can you take in a game?
"My pappy once told me, if you're doing (just) OK, you're not trying hard enough!"
Jason Donovan is again the voice of host Buzz in Sony's popular game show title.
Buzz: Quiz TV
. PS3, PG
Jason Donovan, MC Hammer, Spice Girls - how much can you take in a game?
"My pappy once told me, if you're doing (just) OK, you're not trying hard enough!"
That's one of the gems of wisdom that will be hurled your way as you discover how dim you really are playing the new Buzz game which finally moves to PS3.
At the end of the day, it's not the end of the world if you never took chemistry classes and don't recognise which metal is not magnetic or that in 1954 the new gadget that cost $49 and was the size of a pack of cigarettes was actually a transistor radio! Yes I got those questions right, thank you very much!
"Congrats", the dreaded cynicism of
as veteran quizmaster tells me before adding the true but unkind words "you're ....ummm.. not very good!" My onscreen embodiment of superhero character 'Q' takes it like a true green spandex superhero and smiles stupidly at the camera with his overly square jaw.
My favourite sections are the Natural World for its variety of seriously simple questions and the 80s and 90s music seasoned from previous music titles in the franchise and full of questions about hits you've thankfully long forgotten by Tina Turner, Toni Braxton, the dreaded Spice Girls and
Taking a closer look, I wonder whatever happened to Hammer? Well, he's kept up with technology and has a
and now does a
Buzz has always been a laugh without the ridiculously dramatic cued music that heightens the tension in real TV quiz shows like 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?'
But then you're not playing in a high stakes game for money - and with friends and family around you who really cares about the outcome. In fact they're probably cheering for you to lose big time. If not, the in-game audience will probably be quietly sniggering at you.
There's only so much deviation from the formulaic values that can be imposed upon this popular Sony exclusive, but moving to PS3 seems to have given it a new lease on life.
There are some nice new cute wireless controllers in the full pack (old controllers work fine) and downloadable questions like user submitted ones and including expansive new topics like the natural history ones from National Geographic.
The coolest new feature is that you can upload your own personalised quizzes for download by others at the
There's a solo mode, a multiplayer whereby you play with up to 8 friends (it is a party game after all) and an online mode (but only one person can play per console).
You can either mix up the questions or choose music, the new movies and TV mode, sports, the knowledge channel, and lifestyle.
The best asset this title retains is its show-boat, drama-queen humour and the fact it's just mindless fun everyone can get into.
So now it's game over and comical (and now iconic) show-host Jason tells me his vocabulary isn't big enough to tell you how badly I did. I don't take it personally. But I will take my revenge now by laughing at this
on YouTube from Jason or remembering him and Charlene on that
During my bad Buzz performances, Jason oft quipped: "Now that's what i call humiliation."
Alright, back at you, Jason!
Think of the PS3 game more of an update facelift rather than a morning makeover but then why mess with an already successful formula. Moving to the PS3 does mean future versions have the potential to make better use of the PS3 engine and graphics and we see samples of this with character animations and the pie throwing round.
All in all the game whacks out to be an enjoyable plod, better with more players but requires an update to version 2.41 for online access to leaderboards, play and content.
MadGamer rating: 8 / 10
For PSP users, Buzz has also arrived with a genius little version - Buzz: Master Quiz (Sony, rated G). It's much better for single player with 15 general knowledge challenges and 6 new round types like Picture This and Virus with 3000 questions to ponder. Now Buzz allows for play with up to five of your friends in pass the PSP mode.
Fight over InternetNZ's draft constitution is finely poised.