Ōtara fan zone crowd goes wild at try for Samoa. Video / Candice Luke / NZ Herald
Samoan fans have descended on South Auckland’s Otara, where a live-streaming of the Rugby League World Cup final is taking place.
Legions of fans took over the Otara town centre throughout the night, as passion poured into the streets ahead of the big game in Manchester this morning.
The crowd is packed and after taking a moment of silence to open in prayer, the calm was broken by echoes of “cheehoo!”.
Hundreds of Samoan fans have descended on Otara this morning. Photo / Hayden Woodward
Hundreds of fans are at the Otara town centre fan zone this morning. Photo / Candice Luke
People are moving closer to the screen as the live cross is now showing on the big screen and fans are cheering as pictures of Toa Samoa show.
It’s an electric vibe, as the game starts.
Free hot panikeke are being served from a cart by The Ōtara Kai Village - the organisers who managed to bring everything together for today in a matter of days earlier this week.
Manukau Ward councillor Lotu Fuli is among the crowd and said the emotion was overwhelming.
Fans at the Otara town centre this morning. Photo / Candice Luke
“The vibe today is so awesome. I’m really proud of our people, the community groups who have put this together.
“The crowd that’s come out have respected the organisers, as it’s a family event. This is history in the making. Even seeing the elders here with their mokopuna is amazing.”
5.30am update
Toa Samoa fans are holding their breath for any sign of a try for Samoa; as Australia takes the lead early on in the game.
Christina Talamaivao shows off her pride for Samoa and Tonga too. Photo / Candice Luke
Australia is leading the game 14-0, but the vibe is a good one in Otara, still.
The DJ is playing and the sun has come out for a beautiful Sunday morning. The crowd has its distinctive red and blue flags up and there is still hope for a comeback.
Fa’amalosi, Toa!
Kristelle & Roimata from Otara. Photo / Candice Luke
Second half has kicked off with Australia leading 14-0.
Despite Samoa not on the scoreboard, fans are all smiles and volunteers and organisers are giving out panikeke for breakfast.
6.30am update
There’s a huge roar from the crowd as Samoan player Brian To’o goes over the try line.
The crowd goes wild, with people cheering and throwing their flags into the air in amazing scenes of passion and pride.
An Australian try followed shortly afterwards, however, but there was elation again not long after when Samoa’s Stephen Crichton intercepted the ball before making a beeline for the try line - mirroring what he did in the semi-final match against England last week.
The home crowd seen on screen - at Old Trafford - look to be backing Samoa as well; with shouts of “Samoa” being heard.
Saeni Luki is still smiles after Australia beats Samoa in the RLWC final. Photo / Candice Luke
6.55am update
Australia has won the Rugby League World Cup final - but fans in Otara are gracious in defeat; cheering for the teams as the final whistle blows.
The crowd sings in unison: “Ua fa’afetai, ua fa’afetai. Ua malie mata e va’ai” - a song giving the crowd and people’s appreciation of the team and its journey throughout the competition.