Taranaki’s Albie Jane has completed his 300th marathon.
Albie ran his first marathon (42.2km) in 1989 (aged 37), at the Taranaki Mountain to Surf event. This month he completed his 300th marathon at the Kirikiriroa Marathon in Hamilton on June 10.
If this sounds impressive, it sure is because Albie is the seventh member of the 100 Marathon Club NZ to achieve this milestone.
His marathon journey has taken him to events from Kaitaia to Invercargill over the 34 years he has been running, and he has enjoyed the camaraderie with fellow runners from all walks of life.
While Albie’s personal best time was recorded at a Mountain to Surf event, his favourite course is Rotorua around the lake, which he has completed 34 years in a row.