She says as well as raising funds for the big concert in February, the Taranaki Country Music mini-festival will provide entertainment for local music lovers.
"The team organised a small concert a few weeks ago and it was thoroughly enjoyed by both elderly and young people. They couldn't thank us enough for giving them something to do. When we started promoting this concert they were very excited," Jocelyn says.
There will be 10 artists performing over the weekend, coming from Otaki, Napier, Matamata and Taranaki.
Jocelyn says Ivan Broughton from Cambridge is sure to be popular on the day.
"He's been at our festivals for the past three years. We've sold quite a few tickets already because he is performing. He's fantastic."
As well as listening to the performances, people have the chance to get on stage themselves, Jocelyn says.
"We have open mic on both days of the event. I encourage anyone who wants to give performing a go to try."
There will be mystery auctions, raffles and batons up at the event.
"Batons up is when people purchase a baton for $5 which has a number. Throughout the event numbers are called out and if it matches a person's baton they win a prize."
Jocelyn says there are steps in place to follow Covid-19 level regulations.
"We will have face masks and sanitiser available as well as a code for the Covid-19 tracer app. We also have limited tickets available."
She says it is important to support country music.
"It's as important as supporting our local businesses at the moment. Our musicians need support. With the concert, we are aiming to build awareness of the music, provide a fun event for Taranaki and build awareness for our upcoming main festival."
■ The mini festival takes place Labour weekend, starting on October 24, 11am at the Senior Citizens Hall on Warre St in Waitara. Tickets cost $20 with eftpos available to purchase food and drink. Contact Jocelyn on 027 693 9233 to book a ticket.