Hayley also used the platform herself, purchasing vouchers from other businesses from it.
"It really was important then, and still is now, to make sure we are supporting each other in the business community."
While the 2020 lockdown was some time ago, the impact of Covid-19 on businesses is still hurting, with a noticeable reduction in foot traffic since Aotearoa New Zealand moved into the red traffic light setting, says Venture Taranaki CEO Justine Gilliland.
"Many businesses, across all sectors, have been struggling to operate as Omicron has increased in our communities."
Venture Taranaki, along with partners such as the Stratford Business Association, Stratford District Council and the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, as well as other Taranaki councils, business associations and companies, has launched the SOS Go Local campaign using the SOS platform to enable people to keep supporting local businesses that might be struggling.
Anyone who buys an SOS business voucher worth $30 or more from now until the end of June will go into a draw to win even more vouchers, with five $150 vouchers to be won each week, as well as one $3000 voucher each month in the competition period.
"There's a double benefit there, where there are customers purchasing vouchers in the first place, as well as being able to spend the vouchers they win," says Taranaki Chamber of Commerce CEO Arun Chaudhari.
The platform has also now extended to include a range of other businesses as well as hospitality ones, recognising that all businesses are facing a drop in foot traffic.
Hayley says in the cafe, they have seen a clear drop in customer numbers.
"There are a lot of people isolating right now, as well as people choosing not to go out while the red setting is in place. We really appreciate the support we are getting from all our customers, those who are coming in and those who are buying the vouchers to use when they are ready to come back in."