A night of live music and fun is being hosted at the Tāngarākau Ghost Town, which used to be the second largest town in central Taranaki.
From 1920 to 1937, the town had a population of 1200. Nowadays it is the Bushlands Campground with just a few permanent residents.
The campground is owned by Bruce Herbert and his daughter Jo says the Pilgrim's Picnic is an event to honour her dad, who has lived in Tāngarākau for 43 years. Jo says live music is something her dad has always wanted to see.
"Dad says the place needs live music. He's always said wouldn't it be lovely to hear the bagpipers."
Jo has planned the event as a surprise for her father, to honour the amount of work he has put into running the campground over the years. She says her mother started the campground 30 years ago and since her mother died, it has been Bruce who has done all the day-to-day running.