"Last year our summer show had 500 entries. The society is hoping to see that number again for this year. It's always a popular event and I hope that it keeps on getting bigger."
This year children can enter, Lyn says.
"We are introducing a children's section where they make designs using flowers, fruits, or vegetables."
There is no charge to enter a plant into a category. Entries are due at the Hāwera Community Centre by Thursday, February 9 at 8pm.
"People can enter as many categories as they like for free. There is only an entry fee to go to the show. Each paid entrant gets a free packet of seeds."
Lyn says she enjoys being a member of the Hāwera Horticultural Society.
"We cover all things horticultural. It is a great, friendly group of like-minded people. Occasionally we go on day trips to visit different gardens which is always fun."
She says anybody is welcome to become a member.
"We meet once a month. It's a great way to meet people with similar interests. At the Summer Flower Show people who are interested in becoming a member can fill out a form."
• Hāwera Horticultural Society Summer Flower show: February 6 at the Hāwera Community Centre from noon-5pm. Entry fee is $3.