Anju and Amar Padiachi's Stratford home was decorated with plenty of lights last month, as the couple and their friends celebrated Diwali.
The couple, members of Stratford's Fijian Indian community, welcomed guests to their home for the festival, hosting an evening of food, friendship and plenty of sweets.
Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is the renowned festival of lights celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists across the world. It brings a message of triumph - of light over dark and of good over evil, and takes place on the darkest day of the year, as set by the lunar calendar.
In the Hindu tradition, the festival is a time to remember the triumphant return of Lord Rama to his palace in Ayodhya after a 14-year exile. He had defeated the demon king Ravana, and when the villagers heard he was returning, they lit the way for him with any lights they had, putting them on the path and in their homes.