St Joseph's School Stratford pupils wore pink and swapped out their usual masks for pink ones. Photo/ Alyssa Smith
Stratford schools were awash with māwhero pink for Pink Shirt Day.
Pink Shirt Day began in Canada in 2007, when two students took a stand after a student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt.
The day's slogan is Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying, and the day is about reducing bullying by celebrating diversity in all its forms and supporting schools, workplaces, and communities to be safe, supportive, welcoming, and inclusive of all.
For the first time, Pink Shirt Day has its own waiata titled Iarere Aio, created and performed entirely in te reo Māori by Pere Wihongi (featuring Mohi).
Pere says the waiata is about spreading positivity and encouraging resilience.
"I have my own lived experience with bearing the brunt of bullying, as I'm sure a lot of us have. The waiata is about standing against bullying and toxic behaviour."
St Joseph's Stratford pupils wore their pink shirts and swapped out their usual masks for a pink one, donated by Central Taranaki Safe Community Trust. The trust donated pink masks to all the primary schools in the central Taranaki district.
Year 6 pupil Clare Coatsworth, 8, says dressing up in pink is a way you can support anti-bullying.
Harmony says dressing up is fun, and being able to dress up to support anti-bullying is amazing.
"Everyone should be treated nicely and not have to be scared or hurt because they're being bullied."
Mental Health Foundation chief executive Shaun Robinson says it is thrilled with the enormous amount of engagement this year by organisations, schools and community groups throughout the motu.
"It shows the growing recognition that supporting people's mental wellbeing is critical to creating a society free of bullying. Studies show that people who are bullied are more likely to experience mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. We strongly believe that it's everyone's job to make Aotearoa a kinder, more-caring place, where diversity is celebrated."