At the start of the school year, Stratford Primary welcomed 16 new entrants.
Exploring the school playground was popular with all Stratford Primary's new entrants this term, and that's not a bad thing says one of their teachers.
All of the 16 new entrants who started learning at Stratford Primary at the start of this school year were keen to investigate the playground as soon as they could.
Charlie Kanara said he had only been at the school "for two minutes or maybe three" so far, but already liked the playground.
"I think I am going to play there a lot."
Maddiison Wood said she liked digging in the sand at the playground.
The playground isn't just a popular location for new entrants, but also a great place for families to help their children become familiar with the school. Says teacher Sonia Rova.
Sonia is the junior school team leader at Stratford Primary, and she says parents can help their children settle in by visiting the playground.
"Bringing children here to play on the weekend, or ride their bikes here, is a great way to help get children used to the school and learn their way around."
With more than 30 new entrants expected to enrol at the school before the end of the year, helping them settle in easily and quickly is important, says Sonia.
"We focus on building relationships. Our teachers go and visit the local daycares and kindergartens to help children become familiar with them."
Technology helps now as well, says Sonia, who uses as an app called SeeSaw in her classroom.
"During the day I can put up pictures of what we have been doing in school, so caregivers can see. "
Using an app like Seesaw means a caregiver can ask more informed questions when they talk with their child, rather than just asking how their day was.
"It's the difference between asking how was your day and asking how did you make the artwork you did today."
Starting school can be tough for some children, while others are less nervous, says Sonia.