This time of year we normally seek nominations for our annual Citizen Awards.
As we respond to Covid-19, we've decided to ask for these a little later this year instead.
In the meantime I'm catching up with a few of our previous recipients to chat about Covid-19 and hear their thoughts on what this means for our community as a whole.
This week I spoke to Judy Drummond (2019 recipient) and Mary Garlick (2005 recipient) and asked about the importance of public health during the pandemic response.
"Stratford is a very caring community. It has been great seeing families out with a cheery smile. People you don't know saying hello, neighbours checking on each other, and friends or relatives getting the groceries for the older folk."
Mary had similar thoughts and believes the relative isolation of the Taranaki region and the small size of Stratford helped provide re-assurance to the community.
My observations have been much the same. People have been compliant and willing to do their bit to support each other through this pandemic and the many challenges some people are facing. In particular the frontline health workers have really excelled, and along with other essential workers, we owe them a huge vote of thanks from this community.
Mary says, "The leadership from the top in government and in health has been superb, with a response that is research, science and fact based, all of which has been regularly and honestly shared with us all."
But she still had concerns over the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for front line health workers and felt they "had been forgotten or the last to be provided with PPE".
Judy had similar concerns. She says, "the insufficient PPE for all in the initial stages must have been worrying for front line carers".
As hugely experienced and respected health professionals, both Judy and Mary offered remarkably similar words of advice to help us all stay safe and healthy.
Judy says, "With outbreaks of diseases there are proven protocols and procedures to go through, but Covid-19 is a very different beast, with a lot of unknowns making it very difficult to treat. This has been a wake-up call for many on how important hand washing is and this needs to be kept up to aid in the prevention of the spread of germs."
Both Mary and Judy emphasise the importance of staying home if you're unwell, and to remember the basics of good coughing and sneezing etiquette.
Their advice is absolutely on the mark. Consistent with messages from the Ministry of Health and the star performer during the crisis, Dr Ashley Bloomfield.
Mary says "My hope for our town going forward is that we continue to see the higher level of caring, sharing and neighbourliness that has been apparent in lockdown. And that the extra catching up with family and checking on neighbours we have enjoyed, continues and doesn't disappear into the rush of what has become 'today's working lives'."
My thoughts exactly.
Keep a watch, as I share my Covid-19 conversations with other Citizen Award recipients over the next few weeks in the Stratford Press.