Maree and Grant Johnson accept the first prize in the Stratford Lions Club Christmas stocking raffle from project director Mike Walmsley.
Maree and Grant Johnson accept the first prize in the Stratford Lions Club Christmas stocking raffle from project director Mike Walmsley.
Grant and Maree Johnson will have plenty of extra gifts under the tree this Christmas.
The couple were the winners of the Stratford Lions Club annual Christmas stocking raffle, winning a bookshelf packed with goodies and $1500 worth of vouchers from local businesses.
Grant says they plan to share the gifts with others.
“I’m sure the grandchildren will like the stuffed toy and the bracelet maker.”
“I’ve needed another one for my orchard. There’s so much stuff in here like a nice umbrella and a dessert maker.”
They purchased $20 worth of tickets.
“One of our friends is part of the Stratford Lions Club, so we purchased tickets directly from them. We support this raffle every year and we can’t believe we won.”
Maree says the ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ sign will look great in their house.
“It’s one of my favourite sayings, so the sign is one of my favourite items.”
Julie Burrows - who won the second prize in the Stratford Lions Club's raffle - receives her prize package from project director Mike Walmsley.
Julie Burrows won second place and received a wheelbarrow full of goodies and $400 worth of vouchers.
“It’s a fantastic raffle. I buy tickets every year. I’ll make good use of the wheelbarrow and plan to share the goodies with many people.”
Geoff Allen receives his third place prize package from Mike Walmsley. Photo / Alyssa Smith
Third place winner Geoff Allen says it was a nice surprise. He won a bag packed with goodies and $300 worth of vouchers.
“It’s always good to win something.”
Stratford Lions Club president Colleen Moore says the club sold 7500 tickets. The money raised goes directly back into the community through various projects.
She says the club is grateful for the support of local businesses and the club members who sell the tickets.
“None of this would be possible without their support.”