Mayor Neil Volzke said he would like to remove the reference to power cycles or bicycles.
"In the workshop it was raised that the bylaw doesn't reference mobility scooters. It is good for a person reading the bylaw to be able to understand if mobility scooters are allowed in parks.
"Everyone understands what a pushbike is but they don't necessarily understand what a mobility scooter is."
The issue of dogs being on leads on walkways was raised by deputy mayor Alan Jamieson.
He questioned if dogs should be required to be on leads on walkways, or could they be off the lead, but still under control.
Councillor John Sandford said dogs should be on leads.
"If a dog comes bounding up to you, you don't know what to do." Councillor Erwood agreed.
"When someone says their dog doesn't bite, you shouldn't believe them."
Chief Executive Sven Hanne said dogs were allowed off leads in parks, as long as they were under control, however, the bylaw means dogs must be on a lead while on walkways.
As well as the parks and reserves bylaw, the cemeteries bylaw was also released for public consultation along with the trade waste policy.
The parks and reserves bylaw and the cemeteries bylaw will be released for public consultation on July 22, with submissions open until August 14. The trade waste policy will be released for public consultation on July 22 and will remain open for public submission for two weeks.