From legendary after-match burgers to perfectly maintained cricket pitches, not to mention incredible costumes and stage sets, Patsy Commerford and Tony (Baz) Gordon have spent many years sharing their talents and hard work with the Stratford community.
The couple are known in the community for their attitude of rolling up their sleeves and getting on with the job at hand, and over the years, there have been many such jobs to have benefitted from their no-nonsense and practical approach.
The Stratford Cricket Club is one of the local organisations the pair have spent many years supporting, starting on the sidelines when their sons were playing, but quickly taking on more than just cheering duties. Over the past two decades, Patsy's burgers have become world-famous in Taranaki feature of the catering at after-match functions and any special events at the cricket club, while the pristine state of the grounds themselves are thanks to the tireless and continual efforts of Baz. Their support of the cricket club over the years has also meant opening their home to visiting international players while they play for the club, something Patsy describes as "a pleasure" adding it's always interesting to get to know new people.
The pair have also been members of Stratford on Stage for many years, and if you have ever seen a production by that local theatre group, you will have seen both Baz and Patsy's handiwork both on and off the stage.