In a repeat of comments for the past six months, wet weather has made for quite challenging conditions on the demonstration farm over the past month.
However, despite being ideal conditions for the current trial evaluating the benefits of a covered winter shelter pad we are not seeing much difference in the milk vat so far between the herds although we are in cow weights and condition.
Total rainfall for the past three months has been over 1000mm and are near average yearly total 2050 rainfall with two and a half months still to go. September temperatures and sunshine levels were average as was the 50kg DM/ha/day pasture growth allowing for nitrogen fertiliser use.
However, pasture covers have been relatively low and this continues with current covers equal to the lowest for the past 30 years on the farm for mid October.
Currently the Stratford demonstration farm is operating a wintering pad use trial. This is a two herd trial with both herds equal in stock numbers and having equal feed inputs while one herd has used the covered stand-off feed pad every night over the winter and calving and as milkers during very wet conditions while the control herd has been on standard paddock wintering.