“It’s a great opportunity to show this body of work. We believe this is the first full show with this many works by a number of artists in Taranaki.”
Justin says the work is inspired by four book-based works: Earth Book 2 by Len Castle; Models, Methods, and Assumptions by Paul Cullen; In Search for an Invisible Rose by Peter Madded and Art Book and Sound by Leon van den Eijkel.
“There are four sets of works, and each set takes the viewer down a different path. It gives the viewer the chance to play with conceptual work.”
Joshua says the exhibition is different to the other exhibitions that run at the gallery.
“When the viewer walks in, they’ll see traditional art pieces alongside conceptual, cheeky and in-your-face works. There are abstract pieces and text work, with one set of works looking at the decay of the written word.”
Laura says a number of talks are taking place over the duration of the exhibition, with a panel discussion by Taranaki Printmakers Network, an author’s talk by David Hill and artist talks by Elliot Collins and Chauncey Flay.
“The printmakers are involved as the exhibition relates to them, delving into the techniques of printmaking and the decomposition of books. David Hill is a local author and will discuss his latest series, and the two artists, Elliot and Chauncey, will talk about their works. It’s a great way we can support our local groups, authors and artists.”
As part of the exhibition, secondary schools will give live performances at the gallery.
“We’ve worked with the Stratford Shakespeare Trust for this. It’s a great way to get our schools involved there and a lovely connection with our Shakespearean namesake.”
The Details:
What: Don’t judge a book by its cover - it may take you on another journey exhibition
When: On show until June 23
Where: Percy Thomson Gallery, Prospero Place
Taranaki Printmakers Network panel discussion: May 20, 1pm, free
David Hill presentation: Thursday, May 25, 5.30pm, free
Elliot Collins talk: Friday, June 2, 12.30pm, free
Chauncey Flay talk: Saturday, June 10, 1pm, free
School performances: Monday - Friday during the term period for 45 minutes. Email director@percythomsongallery.org.nz to register