ANZAC, directed by Clive Cullen, is a historically significant and emotionally captivating stage show performed by the Hawera Repertory Society.
The cast of seven put on an enchanting performance that had the audience laughing one minute and welling up the next.
Richard Baylis, Donnella Weir, Mike Brotherson, Samantha Turner, Jo Lahman, Ron Scott and Rangi Abraham, were a delight to watch as they effortlessly took on the role of varying characters throughout the performance.
The story of the play follows a young soldier from his enlistment in the New Zealand Armed Forces, through his time on the battlefield and his untimely end. Ron, who plays spirited young soldier John Lovell, captured the audiences heart with his unwavering patriotism and kind heartedness.
Clive did a wonderful job directing and brought the show to life. Clive quite rightly says John Broughton's play ANZAC encapsulates the whole range of war experience, "from the excitement of young men seeing the world, through to the grinding reality of war and how very quickly it becomes a soul-destroying experience".