Hilarity meets reality in Femme Natale, an adult only sketch comedy show that puts the early years of parenthood in the comedy spotlight. The show was in Taranaki as part of the Right Royal Cabaret Fest.
Many of the individual sketches are written by the incredibly talented Fingal Pollock (who also directs the show as well as appearing in it), with sketches by Tracey Savage, May-Lou Harris, Rachel Millar and April Phillips also featuring. Tracey and April also feature on stage on the night.
The harsh but funny take on everything from pregnancy, competitive parenting, breastfeeding through to sex after babies is certainly a laugh a second, but still makes some poignant points.
Tracey's sketch The Interview perfectly highlights the difficulties women can face when trying to return to the workforce after having children, while Fingal's Quantum Nappies monologue shines a light on the huge gap between a woman's potential and what she can be reduced to in the daily grind of parenting.