A new anthology of poetry celebrating the people and places of Eastern Taranaki is underway and editor Trevor Landers says he is looking for submissions from the public.
“We want to create a book that is a celebration of East Taranaki, from Pembroke to Puniwhakau, and from Toko to Tāngarākau that celebrates diversity, difference and all that is noteworthy and unique about this region.”
Trevor says the geographical coverage of the book approximates the rohe of Ngāti Maru, and incorporates most of the Stratford district. Places such as Makahu and Midhirst have not had much poetic attention in the past, he says.
“Yet the localities of the region contain rich stories and source material for creative writers. We want to celebrate places like Tarata, Tahora, Purangi, Huinga and Huiroa. These places have rich histories and their stories are worth telling and bringing to a wider audience.”
Submissions are open now, says Trevor.