2023 Stratford High School dux Heidi Sextus (17) with principal Cameron Stone. Photo / Jeanette Bell
2023 Stratford High School dux Heidi Sextus (17) with principal Cameron Stone. Photo / Jeanette Bell
When it comes to picking a university, many of this year’s Stratford High School’s successful senior students have chosen Otago.
On Friday, October 27, the school’s top awards were announced at an annual prizegiving. Heidi Sextus (17) was named 2023 Dux, something she says she had been working towards for a long time.
“Getting Dux has been a long-term goal of mine, it’s always been in the picture. This year I’ve been working towards it consistently and getting it shows that hard work pays off.”
Heidi is attending Otago University next year to study first-year health science.
“I’m thinking of going into dentistry but I’ll see where life goes.”
The school’s Proxime Accessit, Hannah Burroughs (18), agrees that hard work pays off.
2023 Proxime Accessit Hannah Burroughs (18) with principal Cameron Stone. Photo / Jeanette Bell
“I’m so pleased to be the Proxime Accessit. I tried very hard this year and receiving this award has given me a confidence boost going into the future. It shows that if you put your mind to it, you will succeed.”
While she agrees with Heidi that hard work can pay off, when it comes to university, the two young women are heading to different places, Hannah planning to read psychology at Massey University.
“I have a few plans in place but I’ll just see how everything goes.”
While Massey is the top choice for Hannah, Otago features in the future of the 2023 recipient of the Te Kai Poutama Whetu award.
Xanda Kerr (17) is preparing for the colder weather in the South Island when he heads to Otago early next year.
“I’m thinking of studying first-year health science and studying dentistry.”
Being named Te Kai Poutama Whetū (top academic māori student) was humbling, he says.
“I wasn’t expecting it at all. When I started year 13 I decided to put some more effort in and it’s worked. The most important thing is to work hard, enjoy yourself and have fun.”
Te Kai Poutama Whetu top academic māori student Xanda Kerr (17) with principal Cameron Stone. Photo / Jeanette Bell
The 2023 Roodbeen Trophy recipient for top all-rounder was Arabella Barber (18).
2023 Roodbeen Trophy recipient for top all-round student Arabella Barber with principal Cameron Stone. Photo / Jeanette Bell
“It’s not something I was expecting, so I was blown away by it.”
She is also planning to go to Otago University to study first-year health science.
The Prime Minister’s Vocational Award went to Amber Cox (17). The award is given to the top Year 12 or 13 secondary students in vocational learning programmes.
Amber Cox (17) was the recipient of Stratford High School's Prime Minister's Vocational Award for 2023. She is pictured with principal Cameron Stone.
“I’m very grateful. I’ve worked quite hard so it’s nice to be rewarded for that hard work.”
Amber was enrolled in this year’s Gateway programme, where students spend one day a week at a work placement. Amber says she enjoyed her placement at Energy Vets Inglewood.
“We use them often at our farm so I decided to my work experience with them. Gateway has given me the confidence to pursue veterinary school through Otago Polytechnic.”
Major prize list:
Scholars: SHS Dux Medal: Heidi Sextus, Sextus Family Trophy for Proxime Accessit: Hannah Burroughs, Te Kai Poutama Whetū: Xanda Kerr, Roodbeen Trophy for all-round student: Arabella Barber, Cusack Cup for top year 12: 12 Eva McGeoch and Hermann Family Trophy for top year 11: Kiahna Smith.
Sports: House Points Trophy and House Participation Shield for Amess: Amber Cox and Libby Kowaleski, C.M. Sheehy Trophy for most sports points in Trimble: Jamalia Brown, Vesty Family Trophy: Xanthe Maketoni, SHS Interact Trophy Sportswoman: Zeta Barber, Clifford Jones Memorial Trophy Sportsman: Ethan Larsen, Sturmer Family Cup for Sportsperson of the Year: Heidi Sextus.
Cultural: Whakaahurangi Marae Trophy for achievement in Māori art and craft: Osyris Paniora, Whaia Te Iti Kahurangi for outstanding leadership by a senior Māori student: Grant Ngatai-Turahui, Me Mahi Ururoa for contributions to Kapa Haka: Akemaua Gerrard, Lions Club Performing Arts Award Plaque for the most polished performer: Indi Single, Habershon Memorial Scroll for Shakespearean pursuits: Charlotte Frazier, Rotary Club Shield for senior public speaking: Aidan Campbell and Brenna Johnson, John Needham Memorial Trophy for intermediate public speaking: Taylyn Kelsen.
Build a house: Most consistent: Lukah Phillips, Most improved: Liam Martin, top student for house one: Rawiri West and top student for house 2: Aidan Mason.