Ōpunake High School students celebrated their success at the end-of-year prizegiving.
The Dux of the school was Lorin Symons. 2021 Head Girl Lexi McQuaig received Proxime Accessit. During the prize-giving, the 2023 head students were also announced.
2023 Head Girl and Boy are Jorja Symes (17), and Harry Gibson (16).
Results: McNeil Adams Cup, OHS Medal and Dan Holmes Freemasons Award for Dux of the school: Lorin Symons. OHS Medal and Award for Proxime Accessit, McKay Cup for Head Girl, Bolger Cup for leadership of the student council, Minister of Education Cup for services to the school, Griffith Merit Cup for best all-around girl: Lexi McQuaig. Crawford Cup for Head Boy, OHS Board of Trustees Cup for student BOT representative, Graham Sulzberger Memorial Cup for best all-around boy: Thomas Tito-Green. Taonga Te Maunga Tuu recognising high levels of academic achievement for senior Maori students: Keesha Craig. OHS 2013 Prefect Cup for most outstanding prefect: Liam Kidd. Woolford Cup Sportsman of the Year: Cameron Quinnell. Nicholas Cup Sportswoman of the Year: Jorja Symes. OHS Junior Sportsperson of the Year: Jahrese Tamatea. James Trophy for all-around contribution to the school Year 9 – 11, A & V Sandford Trophy for Care of the Environment: Kaeden Garvey. OHS DREAM Trophy for DREAM values in school and extra-curricular, Prime Ministers Vocational Excellence Award: Kyla Coleman. OHS Year 9 Junior Dream Trophy for DREAM values in school and extra-curricular: Tessa Cook. OHS Year 10 Junior Dream Trophy for DREAM values in school and extra-curricular: Poppy Dixon. The Combined Churches Award for outstanding character: Cameron Quinnell and Kyla Coleman. Aveling Family Cup Junior Character Award, Phillips Cup and the Mary Pohutukawa Award top Year 10: Benjamin Gasson. Wotton Award for diligence and commitment to the school: Cherish Robinson-Green. Lena Sharrock Award for runner-up Year 9: Sahan Larsen. Kaupokonui Cup and the Mary Pohutukawa Award top Year 9: Tessa Cook. Lena Sharrock Award runner-up Year 10: Poppy Dixon. Lena Sharrock Award for runner-up Year 11: Charlie Carr. Pam Morris Cup and Medal for top Year 11: Caleb Neil. Sue Spindler Cup and Award top Year 12 students: Jorja Symes and Holly Gasson.