The beloved story-time Badjelly the Witch is coming to Taranaki these school holidays.
All the characters from the classic will come to life for this year’s Glow Show production.
Glow Show is a Kiwi favourite in entertainment, with the famous, glow-in-the-dark puppet show always a popular draw-card for children and their adults alike.
Glow Show was created by conceptual artist and creative director Sarah Burren and uses glowing puppets to tell stories in a theatrical setting. Badjelly the Witch is an adaptation of the utterly loony Spike Milligan classic by Alannah O’Sullivan, with music by Geoff Davison and lyrics by John Cairney.
The Glow Show’s utterly original mash-up of science, puppetry and music is a glorious experience for children and this year it will be a wonderfully nostalgic event for adults. The goofiness of Bare Bottom Land, the giggle-inducing catch-cries like “Stinky poo to all of you!”, and the larger-than-life characters of Badjelly are set to bring a little fright and lots of fun to the TSB Theatre in New Plymouth at the start of the school holiday break.