In this photo, the question isn’t what or who, but rather where?
Visitor Information and Library Services team leader Bridget Roper says while the team are fairly sure this image shows the beginning of a settlement with a dairy factory, they don’t know what small town it is.
The photo is one of many the library team is seeking to correctly identify as part of an ongoing project. Bridget says Stratford District Council (SDC) holds a large collection of photos of Stratford District places, people and events, and is seeking the help of locals as they go through and identify the who, what, where and when of the images.
She says SDC used funding from the National Library Partnership Programme to digitise archived photos so they can be easily accessed by family historians, researchers and anyone else interested in the history of Stratford. Library and Visitor Information Centre staff look after the project and are looking for additional help from community members.
“We are looking for helpers to identify and provide metadata for the photos online. Metadata is information that provides a definition or summarises basic information about each image we have.