Welcome to the first article in a new series in the Stratford Press where we ask for your help in identifying people, places and events in some old photos.
First up is this picture of members of the Stratford Scout Troop, taken by Arnold Kilmister in 1963. Can you identify any individuals in the photo? If so, let the team at Stratford Library know.
Stratford District Council (SDC) holds a large collection of photos of Stratford District places, people and events, and is seeking the help of locals to correctly identify them. SDC used funding from the National Library Partnership Programme to digitise archived photos so that they can be easily accessed by family historians, researchers and anyone else interested in the history of Stratford.
Library and Visitor Information Centre staff look after the project and are looking for additional help from community members.
Bridget Roper, team leader, Visitor Information and Library Services, says: “We are looking for helpers to identify and provide metadata for the photos online. Metadata is information that provides a definition or summarises basic information about each image we have.