TRC candidates for the Stratford Constituency answer our questions in this weekly series. Photo / file
The local body elections are your chance to have your say on who makes the big decisions on the issues which touch our everyday lives.
There are four candidates standing for the one available Stratford constituency seat in the Taranaki Regional Council election this year.
In alphabetical order, the candidatesstanding for the Taranaki Regional Council Stratford constituency are Mary Bourke, Alan Jamieson, Matthew McDonald and Andrew Wood.
Voting packs will be delivered to enrolled voters from Friday, September 16, and voting will close at noon, Saturday, October 8. The Taranaki Regional Council uses the first past the post (FPP) electoral system which means that the candidate with the most votes will be elected to the seat.
The Stratford Press contacted all four candidates by email on Wednesday, August 24, giving them a list of five questions to answer by noon on Friday, August 26. They were asked to keep each answer under 100 words. Their answers to these questions will be run in the Stratford Press over the next few weeks in the lead-up to the election. Their answers will also be available online a few days before they run in the print edition for our Premium Subscribers.
This week, candidates answer the question: In your opinion, what is the worst decision the Taranaki Regional Council has made in recent years?
Mary Bourke: I have no strong views about bad decisions TRC may have made. The role is about looking ahead rather than back. That is the approach I would hold if elected.
Alan Jamieson: TRC decisions have been made by elected members and with community consultation through the long-term plan, which gives all ratepayers an opportunity to have their say. In my opinion, the delayed decision to start meaningful pest control beyond farmer-led possum control was a mistake. Had this work started sooner we would have been further down the track to achieving Predator Free 2030 goals and associated biodiversity improvements. Massive gains are being made now by TRC staff and contractors and inspiring community groups. But just imagine how far ahead we could have been if it had started sooner.
Matthew McDonald: I would have liked to see more work with our District Council, farmers, businesses and ratepayers to make sure the changes being forced on us by Central Government were better understood. Whilst the council staff worked hard and employed more staff, the amount required was unforeseen and unachievable. With the new regional freshwater plan being undertaken we will no doubt see changes, not all welcomed.
Andrew Wood: The overlooking of global and national changes in demands impacting Taranaki land use economically and recreationally. These changes are evident in our local supermarkets with plant-based foods becoming a trend with more companies globally developing these products. The economic effect will change the way resource consents, as rural and urban businesses adapt. To maintain our premium place to live, work and undertake recreational activities, Councillors must include these changing demands which cannot be ignored. These were highlighted by the well-organised environment strikes by secondary students locally, nationally and globally. These events were strongly supported by their families and communities.
Get more local election news with Georgina Campbell every Tuesday with our politics podcast, On the Tiles - Local Edition