SHS Dux medal: Brenna Johnson. Sextus Family Trophy for Proxime Accessit: Eva McGeoch. Te Kai Poutama Whetū for top academic Māori student: Kiahna Smith. Roodbeen Trophy for top all-round senior student: Ciara Staines-Hurley. Cusack Cup for top year 12 student: Kiahna Smith. Hermann Family Trophy for top year 11 student: Jess Bielski-Jones.
Cultural awards:
Whakaahurangi Marae Trophy for achievement in Māori art and craft: Addison Young. Whaia Te Iti Kahurangi for outstanding Leadership by a senior Māori student: Ephraim Ingram. Me Mahi Ururoa for contributions to Kapa Haka: Grant Ngatai-Turahui. Lions Club Performing Arts Award Plaque for the most polished performer: Bryan Adams, Ephraim Ingram, Jaimey Jury and Jack Sullivan. Trueman Trophy for best original song: Bryan Adams, Ephraim Ingram, Jaimey Jury and Jack Sullivan. Habershon Memorial Scroll for Shakespearean pursuits: Ciara Staines-Hurley. Rotary Club Shield for senior public speaking: Brenna Johnson. Best Drama Performance Award: Olivia Kerr.
Cultural Blues: Hannah Geater, Aaliyah Tilby, Emma Dodunski, Jack Sullivan, Olivia Kerr, Leah Phipps, Ciara Staines Hurley, Ephraim Ingram and Bryan Adams.
House Participation Shield: Amess, Lara Abraham and Leah Phipps. Girls’ House Points Trophy: Amess, Lara Abraham and Leah Phipps. Vesty Family Trophy for Amess house spirit: Leah Phipps. Sarah Smith Cup for most house points for McAllister House: Camryn Austin. SHS Interact trophy for sportswoman of the year: Camryn Austin. Clifford Jones Memorial trophy for sportsman of the year: Ethan Larsen. Sturmer Family Cup for sportsperson of the year: Zeta Barber. Eager Trophy for sports performance of the year: SHS Boys Hockey 1st XV.
Sports Blues: Phoenix Raroa, Mackenzie Caskey, Ryan Nickel, Addiston Whitikia, Zara Jackson, Bailee Robertson, Piper Sanderson, Riley Booker, Ellie Brady, Georgia Payne, Lexi Maketoni and Zeta Barber.
Build a House:
AGC Construction for most consistent student: Zack Hutchinson, AGC Construction for most improved student: Jenna Armistead, AGC Construction for Outstanding Achievement: Jared Topless.