Laurence Bunyan, pictured in the Stratford Press, 1969.
In this monthly feature, we step back in time and look through at the month of May in years gone by.
25 years ago:
■ Jenna Stieller, Rebecca Morresey, Rhys Gillum, Vanessa Radich and Nicola Savage were photographed for the May 18, 1994 edition. They won prizes in the South Taranaki section of the colouring and decorating competition to promote Immunisation Week.
■ The front page of the May 25, 1994 edition of the Stratford Press covered the opening of the new Kohanga Reo building in Stratford. The new Kohanga Reo building at Stratford's Whakaahurangi Marae was opened and blessed on the Saturday. In the picture is Kaiako (head teacher) Sharon Watson, with Kaumatua Koro Merv and one-year-old Te Rangimarie Eru under the new gateway.
■ Toko School pupils Sue-Ellen Evans, Lisa Hosking, Trisha Fabish and Catherine Ladd are pictured busking on Broadway. They were playing their recorders as a prelude to the Shakespeare Festival Children's Parade and May Day celebrations in Stratford, in May, 1994.
50 years ago:
■ Pictured is Laurence Bunyan, known as "Bugs". In 1969, Bugs, who was a member of the Stratford Press team, was named most outstanding printing apprentice in Taranaki and presented with the A J Thomson Cup for his efforts. Bugs gained the top marks in Taranaki for his trade certificate in Printing and Typography senior grade, for which he received a N Z Apprenticeship Committee medallion.
■ Pictured is Mrs Gary Whiu, working with some flax. During 'hobbies week' in 1969 the Stratford Press reported she would be giving demonstrations of flax weaving, showing how to create a kono (a food basket woven from flax).
■ Pictured is Alison Kroon, of Cheal Road, Ngaere. She is holding a Siamese Twin marrow, which the Stratford Press reported in the May 22, 1969 edition, was the only "freak" marrow germinated from ordinary packet seeds.