Triathlon New Zealand has as expected had a reduction in funding from High Performance Sport New Zealand, however HPSNZ has invested in the sport over the next two years, with a strong emphasis on the continued development of younger athletes.
HPSNZ has committed $1.5m of new funding to the sport over the next two years, with an emphasis on the future potential for the sport to again excel on the world stage, with that funding to be reviewed in 2018.
Tri NZ President Arthur Klap says the sport was always realistic about this funding round but is pleased that the money is there to continue the work of the HP Programme, in particular recent investment in youth and talent pathways.
"High performance sport is all about meeting the performance targets agreed upon and triathlon has not done that over the last four years. The Board fully expected to have funding reduced but do appreciate that HSPNZ has retained a level of funding that will enable us to show how our promising young athletes are tracking towards 2020 and 2024."
Klap says the relationship with HPSNZ is much more complex than an annual handout of money, with both parties engaged in a partnership to deliver success for the sport.