Juliet Fahey is one of two Tri NZ Technical Officials attending the Rio Olympics.
Tell us about your role in the Rio Olympic Games?
My role at the Olympics is Technical Delegate which involves originally course approval, then ensuring all the infrastructure is there for the event to proceed. For an event like the Olympic Games this involves a huge amount of work with each functional area: i.e. broadcasting, venue accreditations, time & results, security, venue development, venue management, workforce volunteers, Marine Plans, Medical Plans, Contingency Planning and much, much more.
I was appointed to the role following the London Olympics and have been working, in a voluntary capacity, since then on Rio. My appointment is the first time the International Federation (ITU) has appointed a non staff member to this role therefore making history. This was then endorsed by the IOC.
Following my appointment I was very humbled by the encouragement I received from my family of technical officials around the world and their continued support.
Why is your role important for the Triathlon event?
The role is important to triathlon as it builds the infrastructure around the event so the athletes can have a safe and fair race