Legend Cory Hutchings will be competing at the Northern Regional Championships at Mt Maunganui this weekend.
Hutchings is more involved with coaching his Midway club's young athletes in Gisborne, but the fact that he is on the water alongside his young charges virtually every day has kept his mind and body in tune.
The three times world ironman and 11 times New Zealand ironman champion retired from international competition two seasons ago, but still maintains a very close and enthusiastic involvement with his favourite sport.
Hutchings, who has amassed 28 New Zealand individual championship titles and many more teams titles in swimming, board and ski events, will bring a strong team of 62 athletes to the carnival.
"The Mount will be strong in the women's teams and ourselves in the men's competition," said Hutchings.
He will paddle in board races to bolster Midway's B and C open men's teams.
For the first time a true carnival champion will be found. In the past, only clubs from Auckland, the Bay of Plenty and Gisborne - the original consortium - were eligible for points towards the coveted title of Northern Regional Champion. That has now changed, with all clubs eligible for the title. But the favouritism towards the northern district has not been completely eliminated. Titles will be awarded to the event winner and/or the top Northern Regional competitor in each event.