A switch in focus headlines Sport New Zealand's community sport budgetary announcement for the next four years.
The hardest hit national sporting organisations include cycling (down from $350,000 to $180,000 next year and 75,000 by 2017-18), gymsports ($650,000 to $530,000 to $250,000), snow sports ($300,000 to $214,500 to $15,000) and triathlon ($310,000 to $232,000 to $50,000).
Among the investment rises are waka ama (from $50,000 to $165,000 next year), touch rugby ($250,000 to $340,000), basketball ($450,000 to $590,000) and badminton ($115,000 to $290,000). Table tennis, volleyball, golf, softball and tennis were other beneficiaries.
Geoff Barry, Sport NZ's general manager of community sport, says the change aligns with their 2015-20 strategy. $43m will be invested per annum for the next four years.
"It's about $150,000 less than the status quo. It is not a move away from competitive sport and what takes place on Saturday mornings. It's just a broader way of looking at it, so we stay relevant.