Invercargill, tonight, 7.35
Referee: Stuart Dickinson
Mike Greenaway: Highlanders
Dylan Cleaver: Highlanders
Andrew Slack: Highlanders
Rachel Glucina: Highlanders
Wynne Gray: Highlanders
THE MATCH: Witness the crumbling of an empire. As the Romans had lead poisoning, the once-proud Brumbies have player power. It's eaten away their soul and now their best back, Adam Ashley-Cooper, has announced he is headed for pastures light bluer. As for the Highlanders, it seems centuries since the Crusaders sacked Carisbrook. Here, they defend Invers.
WATCH OUT FOR: Colin Slade. The after Southland's Robbie Robinson's contretemps in Dunedin. The expectations for Slade are high, as much as coach Jamie Joseph is trying to temper them.
Highlanders $1.45 Brumbies $2.60
Sydney, tonight, 9.40
Referee: Jaco Peyper
Mike Greenaway: Waratahs
Dylan Cleaver: Waratahs
Andrew Slack: Waratahs
Rachel Glucina: Waratahs
Wynne Gray: Waratahs
THE MATCH: A crucial game for both sides, but more particularly the believe their table position - bottom of the New Zealand conference, 11th ability but there comes a time when the phrase "doth protest too much" becomes applicable.
WATCH OUT FOR: The scrums. The Chiefs were not happy with a) the
way the scrums against the Blues were refereed by Ian Smith, and b)they way they were manhandled on occasion by their neighbours. With the Waratahs not renowned for their scrummaging work, they can expect to feel a backlash.
Waratahs $1.47 Chiefs $2.55
Whangarei, Saturday, 5.30pm
Referee: Bryce Lawrence
Mike Greenaway: Blues
Dylan Cleaver: Blues
Andrew Slack: Blues
Rachel Glucina: Blues
Wynne Gray: Blues
THE MATCH: The Blues are on a tear, reaching unprecedented levels
of consistency under Pat Lam. Actually, that might be a stretch, the
opening match against the Crusaders was their best performance of
the season, but they're stringing together the sort of results that turn
people wildly optimistic. They should account for the Cheetahs, which
would see them go into the bye week with a WDWWW sequence.
WATCH OUT FOR: Rene Ranger was not a particularly popular man
after a few calamitous errors against the Chiefs. He's back on home turf
though, so expect him and another local boy, Jared Payne, to cut loose.
Blues $1.03 Cheetahs $10
Napier, Saturday, 7.35pm
Referee: Steve Walsh
Mike Greenaway: Hurricanes
Dylan Cleaver: Hurricanes
Andrew Slack: Hurricanes
Rachel Glucina: Hurricanes
Wynne Gray: Hurricanes
THE MATCH: The competition's most disappointing teams. Laden with top internationals, there is little excuse for either side to have such poor starts. One of these teams is going to walk away from McLean Park feeling a little better about themselves, the other with their playoff credentials severely dented.
WATCH OUT FOR: Heart and desire. Hurricanes coach Mark Hammett was clearly disturbed by what he saw in Melbourne, and rightly so. Questioning players' skills is one thing, doubting their ticker another entirely. Expect to see a few Hurricanes playing as if their immediate careers depend on it.
Hurricanes $1.57 Bulls $2.30