Former Blues halfback Billy Guyton (right). Photo / Photosport
The tragic death of former Blues halfback Billy Guyton has brought the brutal reality of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) to the doorstep of our national game.
After he died last year in what is thought to have been a suicide, Guyton’s brain was studied by Auckland’s Neurological Foundation
Human Brain Bank. From there, the sad news of the diagnosis was relayed to his family.
Rugby and (to an even greater degree) league are sports not so much marked by heavy physical collisions, but rather defined by them. In both codes, big players make hard yards slamming into one another before typically smaller ones make fast yards before getting slammed hard.
From our seats in the grandstand or on the sofa at home, we celebrate the collisions just as much as we are horrified by the injuries they induce.
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