(L to R) Martin Castrogiovanni, Faifili Levave, Evan Olmstead, Charlie Faumuina, Josh Strauss. Photos / Getty Images
(L to R) Martin Castrogiovanni, Faifili Levave, Evan Olmstead, Charlie Faumuina, Josh Strauss. Photos / Getty Images
They're not the most practical accessory on the rugby field, but beards - big, bushy beards at that - have made an appearance on many faces at this years' Rugby World Cup.
It's a trend in men's fashion that refuses to die and it's being further fueled by our favourite international sportsmen - there is not one entirely clean-shaven team in the whole tournament. We present ten of the best beards on show:
10. Martin Castrogiovanni (Italy)
Italian prop Martin Castrogiovanni keeps his beard tidy at least. Photo / Getty Images
His beard looks fairly tidy in this photo, perhaps it was trimmed prior to the start of the tournament. His hair, however, is the stuff nightmares are made of. It could be a tactic to intimidate the opposition - no one wants to get slapped with that sweaty mane.
England's Joe Marler has a beard to nicely set off his peroxide faux-hawk. Photo / Getty Images
Marler sports a tidily trimmed beard that is offset nicely by his bleached blonde strip on top. And he doesn't even care what you think of him - in 2012 he refused to cut his hair to earn a cap. "What you look like doesn't determine how good a rugby player you are or how professional you are. I am what I am," he said at the time.
8. Uini Atonio (France)
Uini Atonio of France has great volume. Photo / Getty Images
France prop Uini Atonio has a nicely symmetrical beard, with excellent volume on the sides.
7. Pieter-Jan van Lill (Namibia)
PJ Van Lill of Namibia's beard is complimented by a 'Blue Steel' gaze. Photo / Getty Images
The perpetual 'Blue Steel' gaze on Van Lill's face compliments his beard well. Good length and volume all round.
6. Phil Thiel (USA)
US hooker Phil Thiel and his beard contemplate the oval ball. Photo / Getty Images
Phil Thiel of the United States sports a well structured beard that ends in an aesthetically pleasing point. You could almost imagine this picture on the wall of an upmarket barbershop.
5. Faifili Levave (Samoa)
Samoa's Faifili Levave nails the popular topknot-and-beard combo. Photo / Getty Images
Samoa's Faifili Levave totally nails the extremely popular topknot-and-beard combo - and this picture clearly shows it's a hit with the ladies.
Josh Strauss' beard has returned to its former glory. Photo / Getty Images
He may be South African born but Josh Strauss' beard would make any decent Scotsman proud. He originally grew his beard out in 2011, while waiting for his girlfriend to relocate from Cape Town - but it was forcibly removed by his Lions teammates. Thankfully it has returned.
4. Charlie Faumuina (New Zealand)
'Are you here to see me or my beard,' Charlie Faumuina of the All Blacks wonders. Photo / Getty Images/
Our very own Charlie Faumuina is somewhat of a hipster - he's been rocking a beard for years earlier than most of these guys. And his is one of the bushiest in the whole Rugby World Cup.
2. Jake Ball (Wales)
Even royalty is suitably impressed by Jake Ball of Wales' ginger beard. Photo / Getty Images
The Wales-supporting Duke of Cambridge was very impressed with Jake Ball's ginger-hued beard. It's definitely a better effort than his England-supporting brother Prince Harry has managed to grow.
1. Canada
(L-R) Evan Olmstead, Ray Barkwill and Hubert Buydens of Canada. Photos / Getty Images
Oh, Canada. You might not win the Rugby World Cup, but you definitely win the Rugby World Cup of Beards. More than a third (11 out of 30) of the Canadian squad sport some kind of beard-like facial hair - now that's true lumberjack dedication. A special shoutout to Ray Barkwill, Hubert Buydens and Evan Olmstead for the most impressive examples.