The provinces say this will ensure a board that truly understands the game. The New Zealand Rugby Players’ Association says governance expertise is all that matters – there are already enough people involved in the sport who know which way round to point a scrum machine.
Board appointments will be made by an independent panel.
On Thursday, the provinces won. The players have said they’ll set up a breakaway provincial competition. Now the standoff commences.
There’s a clear compromise sitting in no-man’s land: Let the Rugby Players’ Association nominate a pool of boardroom contenders with provincial union backgrounds for selection to the NZR board.
This would create an incentive for provinces to bring people on to their boards who have real governance expertise and to increase the expertise of those already on there.
Provincial unions would be satisfied that the heartland of the game is represented at the highest level.
The NZRPA’s concern about provincial board reps arguing for their local fiefdoms or ceaselessly advocating for a defunct NPC would be addressed.
With such heated threats on the table, calm voices will need to find the path forward.