At the end of the day I think the majority of New Zealanders will want to give the ABs a very warm welcome home by lining the streets and waving black flags with silver korus on them.
Because I think if there's one thing that winning the Rugby World Cup shows, it's that the winning team are the team that wear black jerseys with silver korus on them.
I know that if I was a schoolboy again, I'd cheer on the All Blacks and I'd go to school with my sandwiches and maybe a piece of fruit and some crackers inside a lunchbox that had a black lid with a silver koru on it.
And so I'd like to congratulate Richie, who is a mate of mine, and pass on something that Richie told me when we were having the kind of conversation that mates have, which is that the thing he most wants to see in the world is for New Zealand to adopt a black flag with a silver koru on it.
Well I think that's a laudable aim, and if that's what Richie wants, then it's what we should all want, and on behalf of my mate Richie, I'd like to say that when the time comes for you to vote in the referendum, you should walk into the polling booth with an open mind.
Just joking! The last thing you want is an open mind. Just go in there and tick one of the options which says that you favour a black flag with a silver koru on it.
You may remember me as a children's entertainer. But that was a long time ago and these days I've grown, I've evolved, and I'm now a washed-up children's entertainer.
You may remember me as a children's entertainer. But that was a long time ago and these days I've grown, I've evolved, and I'm now a washed-up children's entertainer.
I find myself on tour in New Zealand in the same week that the All Blacks are being welcomed home as champions of the rugby world. Well, I want to say to them that they should enjoy it while it lasts, because the day will come when you're just a silly old fool with really bitter opinions about critics.
This week, I was told by a New Zealand critic that I was an embarrassment, but I didn't let it get to me. I didn't make a fuss of it. I didn't lose my cool and reveal myself as someone kind of really pathetic.
I know what many of you are thinking right now. You're thinking: sorry, who is Robbie Williams? The name doesn't ring a bell.
Mitch: If I were asked to rate my fellow contestants for the way they've welcomed the All Blacks home, then I'd have to be honest and score them a big fat zero.
Jeremy: Some of you at home may not be able to make out a word my partner Cat says, because she talks like a creaking door. The linguists call it vocal fry, and define it as a low or rattling sound when air passes through the glottal closure. Everyone else just calls it bloody annoying. Anyway, what Cat wanted to say was, "Go the ABs!"
Hayden: I'm normally a pretty hilarious guy and under the usual circumstances I'd be cracking jokes with the best of them and getting right into welcoming the ABs home, but right now I'm a bear with a sore head and I swear if you so much as look at me I'll rip your head off.
Jamie: My partner Hayden's a good person underneath that smouldering rage. You only have to scratch the surface. But just be careful how you scratch it.
Mitch: If I were asked to rate my fellow contestants for the way they've welcomed the All Blacks home, then I'd have to be honest and score them a big fat zero.